The big dry
Australia is struggling to cope with the consequences of a devastating  drought.

As the world warms up, other countries should pay heed. The mouth of the Murray-Darling river sets an idyllic scene. Anglers in wide-brimmed sunhats wade waist-deep into the azure  water.
Pleasure boats cruise languidly around the sandbanks that dot the narrow channel leading to the Southern Ocean.
Pensioners stroll along the beach. But over the cries of the seagulls and the rush of the waves,  there is another sound: the mechanical drone from a dredging vessel.
It never stops and must run around the clock to prevent the river mouth from silting up. Although the Murray-Darling is Australia's longest river system, draining a basin the size of France and Spain combined, it no longer carries

cope with:〔困難・問題など〕対処する[立ち向かう]〔嫌なこと・状況など〕に耐える
pay heed >注意を払う  heed n. 注意、~に気を付ける
cruise languidly 船旅をする◆大型の客船で数カ所に寄港する、娯楽としての船旅をする。〔適度な速度で〕巡航する◆最も効率の良い速度で運行する。
languidly: 元気[活気]がない、弱々しい、のろい
stroll along:ぶらつく、散歩する  
silting up:沈泥で埋まる

Australia is struggling to cope with the consequences of a devastating drought.

As the world warms up, other countries should pay heed.

The mouth of the Murray-Darling river sets an idyllic scene. Anglers in wide-brimmed sunhats wade waist-deep into the azure  water.

Pleasure boats cruise
languidly around the sandbanks that dot the narrow channel leading to the Southern Ocean.

Pensioners stroll along the beach. But over the cries of the seagulls and the rush of the waves,there is another sound: the mechanical drone from a dredging vessel.

It never stops and must run around the clock to prevent the river mouth from silting up. Although the Murray-Darling is Australia's longest river system, draining a basin the size of France and Spain combined, it no longer carries enough water to carve its own path to the sea.

年金受給者はビーチを散歩します。 しかし、カモメの鳴き声と波のラッシュには、別の音があります。dr船からの機械的なドローンです。
over ~に重ねて、
the rush of the waves:打ち寄せる波

silting up:沈泥で埋まる
draining a basin 流域を排水する


The big dry
John Howard, Australia's prime minister, arrived here in February and urged the four states through which the Murray-Darling flowsto hand their authority over the river to the federal government.
After seven years of drought, and many more years of over exploitation and pollution, he argued that the only hope of restoring the river to health lies in a complete overhaul of how it is managed.
As the states weigh the merits of Mr Howard's scheme, the river is deffenerating further.
Every month hydrologists announce that its flow has fallen to a new record low.
In April Mr Howard warned that farmers would not be allowed to irrigate their crops at all next year without unexpectedly heavy rain in the next few months.
A  region that accounts for 40% of Australia's agriculture, and 85% of its irrigation, is on the verge of ruin.

exploitation:搾取    pollution:汚染、公害
restore: 回復、修復、復活する

1-2  The big dry
  John Howard, Australia's prime minister, arrived here in February and urged the four states through which the Murray-Darling flows to hand their authority over the river to the federal government.


After seven years of drought, and many more years of over exploitation and pollution, he argued that the only hope of restoring the river to health lies in a complete overhaul of how it is managed.

As the states weigh the merits of Mr Howard's scheme, the river is deffenerating further.
Every month hydrologists announce that its flow has fallen to a new record low.

In April Mr Howard warned that farmers would not be allowed to irrigate their crops at all next year without unexpectedly heavy rain in the next few months.
A  region that accounts for 40% of Australia's agriculture, and 85% of its irrigation, is on the verge of ruin.